May 11, 2022Catch Season 2 of "Pink Is In!"This comedic series starring Elley-Ray Hennessy follows the antics of the inmates and staff of Chatsworth, a dysfunctional women's prison.
May 9, 2022Open Mic Night - "Method on the Mic" The Actors Toolkit© Acting Technique by Portia Scott!We continue to pinch ourselves with the AMAZING guest instructors we have had this year and now we are OVER THE MOON to add Portia Scott...
May 1, 2022Get Mic'd!Check out our latest GET MIC'D Voiceover Workshops and COME JOIN THE FUN!
May 1, 2022The Ultimate VO Survivor Weekend Retreat!It is an in-person Voice Acting Competition and a chance to meet and work with some of our UVOS judges for an ENTIRE WEEKEND. Come fly...